Sophie Bayley Sophie Bayley

Fear of success - “It feels scary, because I know I could do it very well.”

Successfully bringing Lemony off the ground would mean a leap in identity - from employee to successful founder, from mouse to swan, standing up for my values, beliefs and dreams, actually being proud of myself and that is scaring the sh*** out of me. What is fear of success and how am I keeping going despite the fear?

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Sophie Bayley Sophie Bayley

Time - am I prioritising the golf balls or the sand?

How do I want to spend my time? What do I want to prioritise? What fills me with joy and what leaves me empty? These are not easy questions to answer as everybody's golf balls are different. But time is limited and too valuable to waste on sand.

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Sophie Bayley Sophie Bayley

Change - why it is never easy

After two years of constant change (a pandemic, moving countries, partially self-employed, new job and now fully self-employed) I am still surprised at how difficult change is. Two weeks into my self-employment journey I am yet again taken aback by my fear, uncertainty, feeling a bit off and actually even feeling like I am failing in this new chapter of my life. Even though I am still surprised and a little overwhelmed (although I know I should not be) I have learned a few things along the way that don’t necessarily make change easier but at least more bearable.

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